EARL, Leo, cold, books and buses

It’s cold, but there be no snow yet. Soon, my pretties.. soon..

Skipped last night’s BodyCombat class after working late and ran instead. I was feeling good and ended up taking 5 minutes off my PB for EARL (EAling Run Loop). Perhaps it was the temperature or perhaps it was running at night?

I reckon it was under 5degC and with the wind-chill! Damn!! I used my arm-warmers to help prevent my arms freezing and snapping off.

Leo is back from the States and we are heading to the Red Lion tonight for his birthday drinkies (I’m ending my drinking ban a night early – um ah!). Tezz’s Going Away party tomorrow night.

I finished reading “The Elder Gods” by David and Leigh Eddings. I didn’t think it was much chop – very “simple” in plot and delivery. It was something I could’ve read quite happily in Grade 5. His other books are supposed to be better, but it’s not really my style of novel anyway, I’m not really a fantasy fan. At least I can finally start Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!

Caught the bus to work today to see how it compares with the train. It’s 40p cheaper per day (1.80) and about 30min quicker. It’s not the best environment for reading on though and there were no seats downstairs. The windows were totally fogged up so I was worried about missing my stop. I didn’t. I also prefer to use non-road transport, ie. trains. I’ll have a think about it and decide which option is really the best..

It’s very cold this morning so once in the office it was straight into the kitchen for a supersize hot chocolate! I still haven’t been able to find any Milo, but in the words of the Trancesetters: “The Search Goes On”..

6 thoughts on “EARL, Leo, cold, books and buses

  1. Funny statement that "I’m not really a fantasy fan. At least I can start HP and the Half Blood Prince"! (I couldn’t put it down, great read. Bought some from B’rat 2nd hand book shop – Dean Koontz, Minette Walters and Tom Clancy – Without Remorse.)

  2. Also, well done on PB! Is drinking ban postponed or cancelled? Is that Mda Terry? If so, where’s he off to?

  3. HP is different. When I say I’m not into fantasy, I’m talking about the shelves of adult fantasy novels in book stores. Book after book of dwarves battling elves and ogres fighting dragons and blah blah I read enough of that in primary school. The HPs are lighter and different enough that I’ll read them all.

    Drinking ban was lifted for two nights and is now in force again. Yeah, Mda Tezz. He’s going to South Africa with his gf. I think they’ll then come back here briefly and then move to Perth.

  4. Of course, of course!

    I just have to think of a suitable pose that meets your criteria.

    *cue evil laugh*

    mwuaahahahahaha!! 🙂

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