Internet cafe

Tired and grumpy. Should’ve had my vegemite toast for brekkie. Missed the 10am Pump class after going to bed around 3am and then waking up at 11am. Doh! Must’ve slept through the 6:15am alarm. Might try and make the Tuesday class.

I should ride to Courier Systems and fill out the pay query form to locate my missing 60quid or maybe I’ll go for a run? Or maybe I’ll continue my house cleaning frenzy? Why do I like to clean when suffering from a night out the previous evening? I think some research needs to be done on this puzzling phenomenon..

Grant, Sheila and I couldn’t take the lack of internet any more so we’re paying 2quid for an hour’s access in a local internet cafe. I really want to get some Matt Darey sets on my ipod but I can’t download them here 🙁

Tezz is looking fighting fit for his trip and it was cool to catch up with Simon and Jimbo last night at the Jackdaw & Rook in Clapham. I totally didn’t recognise either of them!! How embarassment!!

Blah, blah, brain is in neutral. I came here for a reason but I can’t remember now.. sheet!

2 thoughts on “Internet cafe

  1. Not that soon. He’s going to SA first, then back to UK, then Perth. I guess he’d hit Mildura at some stage though..

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