Lovely night for it..

Pity I have no one to do “it” with! 😛

Instead I enjoyed another lovely, South Indian-style meal at Sagar in Hammersmith. This is my favourite Indian restaurant and just happens to be vegetarian.

Dinner here with the household was in honour of Sheila’s birthday (actually tomorrow). Happy Birthday Sheila!! Enjoy the Body Shop mango stuff – I think you just “rub it on your boh-dee!” 😉

Last time I had the wondeful Mysore Masala Dosa with Samosa entree. Tonight I tried the Rava Masala Dosa with Bonda entree. They didn’t disappoint! Yum!

Reviews: and

I told myself I’d go for a run tonight, given that I was missing Spin class, and oddly enough I actually did – full stomach and all. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be and I just _had_ to test the “You CAN’T run after a curry!” premise. I felt heavier than normal (duh!) and didn’t feel like I was moving too well, but this could also be down to the sore legs I had from Monday’s longer run? I didn’t get a stitch, which was nice, and I didn’t spew, but try as I might I couldn’t get a satisfying burp out when I wanted to.

It was 9degC outside with a westerly breeze. Quite a bit warmer than last time I was out and very pleasant. “No arm-warmers” kind-of pleasant. The streets were almost empty at 10pm mid-week which was fine by me. The run itself presented nothing out of the ordinary, I just plodded along from start to end and was pleasantly surprised with a time of 38:19. That’s 5min faster than the first time I did this loop and I’m damn sure I ran before dinner that time! 🙂

I need to drink more water.

6 thoughts on “Lovely night for it..

  1. Why do you need to drink more water?

    My personal favourite full-stomach for running is eggs benedict and a big coffee!

  2. Why more water? Because I don’t drink any and my toxic urine is etching lines in the dunny! 😀

    The guys at my last job always used to order Eggs Benedict for work breakfasts. Not really my thing, even when I’m NOT running! 🙂

    I totally miss the pancakes from home..

    "Short Black" cafe in Camberwell did the best (think, drowned in maple syrup with whipped cream and ice-cream, accompanied by an equally awesome iced coffee) and even the Glenferrie’s fruit pancakes were quite nice most of the time.

    (/flashback) 🙂

  3. ok, that’s it! next parcel voucher for bottled water! just do it! or one glass per hour! don’t you read your blog where you say you must drink water? I’m tired of reading it, so if you do it, you won’t have to enter it in blog!!!!!

  4. You think I read this shite? 😛

    I have a bottle of water and a coffee in front of me. Oops, now the coffee is empty and the water remains untouched.

    I have a chronic aversion to H2O.

  5. I haven’t seen it here. There probably is something similar but I’d have to find it. Good idea though.

    I have bottled water in front of me.. let’s see how far through it I get vs. how many coffees I drink.

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