Shortest Day of the Year

“To our ancestors the shortest day (21st December) marked the lowest ebb of the year, but it also marked the day when the sun was reborn, gradually growing in strength to the Midsummer Solstice. Many ancient standing stones, stone circles and other monuments are aligned with the winter sunrise on the 21st of December. The most famous being Newgrange (Been there!) in Ireland, where a finger of sunlight shines along the dark entrance through a narrow aperture above the monument’s entrance.” from:

Also: google answers and – solstice science

4 thoughts on “Shortest Day of the Year

  1. ….and teh longest day here. Capped it off with a friend who declared it ‘Early POETS day’, ie: beers & shit talk at Northcote Social Club & the Salty Dog. SBS had a repeat of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Much like Akira. I still don’t get it.

  2. I taped and watched Akira when it was on SBS many moons ago.

    All I wanted was to hear the "You know we aren’t meant to exist in the outside world" sample from Sunbeam’s track "Outside World" (…)

    As to the meaning and content of the rest of the movie… What the?!

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