created a better timed comedy moment!
With the coverage of the Track Worlds starting at 7pm I really had to drop the hammer to get home. I don’t usually carry a hammer on my commute, but lucky enough, I found one in the office and made sure I dropped it on the way 🙂
Up until this point the only things on my mind were ‘get home quick’ and ‘wow, this new mudguard is really working!’
Then came the comic incident I noted, involving car and bike, timed perfectly with the location of a large volume of water. It couldn’t have been scripted better!
We hit the deep puddle at the same time and speed, and the water hit my face with such force all I could do was squeak, gurgle and then burst out laughing!
In two seconds I was as soggy as if I had been riding for an hour in the rain. For some reason, the mudguard didn’t seem to work to well dealing with an “UP”pour!
I spent the rest of the commute emptying water out of my ears, rubbing the grit out of my eyes, wincing at the stinging rain or ginning my silly backside off! 😀
Note: Buy expensive bags AFTER winter.. my costly Crumpler has been hit with rain 3 times in as many weeks!