SMS wakeup from Tam.. reply with “wait 10min” and proceed to make coffee and PB sandwich (my staple food as it’s the cheapest thing I can find to eat).
I’m quite wrecked from last night but manage to string together a ‘few’ words 😉
The “Maple Leaf” phonecard the guy insisted was best for calling Oz was shite, only giving me 200 minutes and not 642 like the New Swifty card. (Why do I have the feeling I’ve already mentioned that? Must be the beer..)
Got a call from Tezz, so headed into Trafalgar Square to meet him. For some reason I thought Holborn was close. Nuh uh! It was a 15min fast walk. I was already late because the train had sat at Ealing for 10-15min! Grr.. I’m turning into a Londoner! hahaha
We searched high and low for a suitable drunking venue – serves cheap beer, outdoor seating in the sun with a good perve-rating. Did we find one? We got half-way.
The view was okay but fuck me drunk if I didn’t just shell out ?7 for two 330ml bottles of Stella Artois! That’s $10 per a fucking stubbie! Not even a normal sized stubbie, a yuppie stubbie and Stella is crap. So.. rot in hell “ON ANON” bar, you yuppie-scum feeding pond!
At least we made the most of the nice seats. Some crazy stretched 4WD went past which I managed to snap a dodgy pic of.
How the hell this thing actually navigates London traffic and small streets I’ll never know!
On to Cheers! I insisted it was a yank pub but Tezz claimed the word was pommie so the pub was pommie. I was right.. it was supposed to be a copy of the bar from that shite US sitcom Cheers! Screw my nipple nuts and call me Frank if their 2-pint “pitcher” of Kronenburg didn’t actually pour two pints worth of beer?!?!? Dunno how they managed that, but they did. No, we didn’t spill any!
Tezz reckons US and UK pints are different – anyone else have any opinions? Is there a lake somewhere with all the missing beer in it? Do the staff “skim” it like they do credit cards? Does glass absorb beer?
Genna-Leigh (hope I spelled that right!) joined us and we ended up at Hungry Jacks for an approximation of food.
I photocopied some maps at the nearby “offie” and decided to grab a foreign brew while I was there. Krusovice Imperial Czech Premium Lager it was – “Ooh Ahh”.
I rode over to nearby Walpole Park and sat down in the sun to drink it, watch the sunset and finish “A Significant Other” which DaveB had given me as a book swapping thing.
The beer was nothing special, the book was nothing special (for much of it), sitting in the midst of a foreign land with my bike watching the sun set was pretty fucking cool!
I did get feisty and ended up going for another pedal before the sun was fully gone. Went to the large rail bridge down the road and had a look around.
I found some singletrack, but got 10m along and realised that the stinging nettles that kept hitting my hands and legs.. well.. they did really frickin’ sting!! I turned back – save that ride for a day with full-finger gloves.
Now I’m going to have PB sandwiches for “late dinner” along with some Scrumpy Jack cider I’ve been dying to try for ages. The Bus Station Loonies (funny punk band and the only one I think I like?) seem to be fans of the stuff.. “Saaaaave ouuuurrrr ciiiderrrrr! Save our cider! Save our cider! Save our cider!”