Weather was nice for a change so there was a big bunch rolling out. We had some ‘larger’ fellows with us and the bunch was dawdling. Someone wanted to see the end of a 50mi TT and the bunch was directed onto some main road and lots of raised eyebrows and shrugging shoulders resulted. “What are we doing?” “I dunno”.
We rolled on, Steve’s front wheel siezing up and fixing itself and then cheered a few Willesden riders coming in to the TT finish line, including Ed.
Eventually we got moving properly, but still on this main road, pissing off a few drivers in the process. I don’t get it, it’s Sunday.. what’s the rush? Shouldn’t you be slower than us anyway. Impatient c0cks.
New guy manages to run one of the old guys off the road when he punctures on a steep descent. Not sure why there was turning required. This was explained to him..
Cafe at Wendover is expensive and as a result I had only a tiny coffee (My arse is large, this was not a LARGE coffee) and a cake. This didn’t help later..
We rolled out and CSC guy starts attacking the bunch. eh? Fsck it.. I’m keen now and don’t wait on climbs any more so I chase him down. Off he goes again so I chase and pass and end up half a kay up the road. Bunch catches up and.. off he goes again.. so do I.. now we are joined by Steve and the older guy who was run into the dirt and Suzz. We are not rolling turns, through and off and yet there’s still break aways! It’s mental.. the bunch is waay behind now and we are ripping along around 40kph and still guys will break up hills, etc.
I’m loving it.. about time we got some pace. Club runs are so not the training rides we had back in Melbourne! We made it back to Denham (rather quickly!) and split. 5k to go I was bonking something chronic! Going hot and cold, dizzy, blasting through gaps 🙂 Make it home alive and scoff some sugar.. all better. Sweet! Really need to try the Quest bunch rides..