Back from Poland now and surprisingly not adding too much to my ninety-something kilogram frame. Some self-control does exist in me after all?!
Mind you, we did return with 4 bottles of vodka, some of Mal’s mum’s cooking and enough chocolate to sink a small Asian nation’s entire navy fleet so the damage isn’t totally done yet.
Back on the bike I headed out to the top-secret training facility, known to some as Richmond Park. Bit sad, but I wasn’t really up for solo navigation of the Chilterns or anything more mentally challenging. So, RP it was. While out there I spotted another lfgss member and ebay bike nutter Roberto. We cut a few laps together before he had to bail whereas I had lights so I grabbed a couple more laps. I lost count of my laps when we changed direction but it worked out to be 71.7k mostly sitting in the 130-150 HR bracket (E1) for aerobic base building. I have no formal training plan at the moment so I’m just going to be getting in the miles as they say.
Speaking of Roberto, if you want to buy a track frame, he has a sale on now. Be quick as lfgss members are already drooling over them! – track frame sale