Fri 9th: I like Worms

I like Worms. It`s a smallish town on the Rhein with some interesting stuff to see.

The Rhein is a big river! The bridge across it is cool, but is being replaced by a new one. I cross it to get from town to the groovy campsite. Check it:

I really liked the Nibelungen Museum and I’m off this afternoon to search for the hidden treasure! If you ever get to Worms, you must visit this museum!

Read the cut-down Saga of the Nibelungs here.

It was only a short ride here from Heidelberg yesterday. I setup the (mouldy!) tent at the campsite across the Rhein. Then I lay down on the grass for a while, zonked. I think the heat knocked me down. I was sooo frickin’ chilled out for once – it was awesome – I just wish I could turn that mindset on and off at will..

Internet and kebabs are cheap here hehehe It’s like Berlin but “small town”. Drivers here are like those from Mildura – dodgy bodykit jobs and loud stereos pumping out sh1thouse R&B. Note: Race exhausts aren`t for cutting laps around town at 20kph dudes..

I don`t know, this whole town makes me smile. The Englishman running the campsite said that storms were coming though. If they hit at the wrong t?me, evilhipppy will come back again.. but for now gelatikebaboldbuildingbrowsinghippy is here.

Worms Weather: – Worms

Might go for another pootle down the Rhein and read a book on the grass beside the tent. I know it’s a tough life but someone does have to do it.

Happy Birthday Ivonne! and Happy Travels Renee!

Ivonne, your age is safe with me. 😛

We had a little “party” this morning. Renee bought some bakery goodies and we (the two of us) sung Happy BIrthday to Ivonne, who turned.. *censored*. Then we cut the cake into three. Piggies! Well it was a chocolate CUP cake! 😀

Renee left Heidelberg this morning bound for Budapest. A night there (I think) and she’s off to Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Egypt for 5 weeks. Noice.

I leave Heidelberg today also. I’ll be camping in “Worms” (rhymes with “forms”) tonight if all goes to plan. It’s only about 50k from here and the weather seems to be holding its high-20’s/low-30’s pattern for now, which is very nice for tent life by the river.

Slow Grind, Knee-ded that..

Was it the change to evilhippy all-black cycling kit?

Was it me going overboard with testing the new cleat position?

Was it the need to silence some inner demons with a little self-inflicted pain?

Or was it simply because I read SurlyBlog, FearlessGearless AND Dan’s ShifterBikes sites beforehand and NEEDED some singlespeed goodness?

Let me explain: My knee problem was really giving me grief. I don’t want to see a German sports doctor or physio because explaining this stuff to someone who doesn’t have English as a first language could take a long time and a lot of money. I tried raising the saddle to compensate for the bent seat, figuring if the seat was low on my problem right side, raising the seat would fix the problem with the right knee and cause problems with the left – which would now be too high. This didn’t work.

“Mick” from a.b suggested rotating the cleat. I doubted it could have moved but what the hell, it was the second easiest “fix” to try. After “unlocking” the ancient, rock-encrusted allen bolts (the cleat had not moved in a LONG time), I rotated the cleat about 1mm clockwise. This would bring my heel in towards the bike to some degree.

A ride along the Neckar River sounded like a good test. The start was mellow as I warmed up. The saddle was squeaking again so I tightened the bolt underneath – I was carrying my Alien multitool with me expecting to make adjustments. At an intersection I paused to look at my map so I could pick a suitable town to ride to. While I was looking, a local stopped and offered help. I explained I was just riding around for fun and for once I wasn’t actually lost and he suggested a few places. I had already made my mind up though – if there was one thing that would test the knee it would be busting a gut up the Konigstuhl. On the way back to Heidelberg, I passed an old guy, then a minute later he passed me, so I passed him again, but now we are doing over 40kph and he just flies by as I struggle over a “bump”! My unfit carcass just wont work! Oh the shame – hammered by a retiree with aerobars :S 😛 I console myself with the fact that I was faster than the ferry cruising along the river and ride on.

So, the hill. I rolled up geared in the middle ring and about middle-cassette (5th easiest – I don’t know teeth numbers – you know I can’t count anyway!). Without thinking, I decided to see how far up I could get without changing gears. After about 10m I was thinking about going to the granny ring! Fsck that! I have a dicky knee to test and bitterness to flush away with lactic acid! So I kept going.. and going.. and going. The gearie version of a singlespeed.

I’m not exactly at peak fitness right now so my speedo was having trouble reading low enough! We are talking <5kph here! But I kept going.

It was more akin to weight-lifting than cycling, but I kept going. I could feel the pain spot in my knee now and then, but there was NO PAIN! My back was frickin’ killing me, but the knee was fine. At some points I was going so slow I could briefly trackstand to catch a breath and then lurch forward with a few standing pedal strokes, sitting down when I had enough momentum to continue, standing up when I just couldn’t push the gear over. I kept going.

Oh yes, the shifter tempted me, but by now I was thinking “Don’t dare touch that shifter! You’re going to climb this thing in the gear you started in! Beefcake! Beefcake! etc..” 😛

I made it! I was a little bit happy about that as you can probably tell with the length of this blog entry. 🙂

I stayed in the same gear and rolled up and down, over the top of the mountain a few times, checking out the Max Planck Astronomy Centre (jealous TimC? :P) and the Radio Towers. Okay, so really I was lost up there but it was still fun to look around!

Renee called about dinner so I put it in the “Big Ring of Certain Death” and set off down.. 75kph.. and I hadn’t started pedaling yet! 😀 When I did get cranking I could only add another 10kph to my top speed. Taller gearing would’ve helped, along with knowledge of the road. There are some VERY tight switchback hairpins on the way down. Damn that was fun!

Anthony, who from now on is to have “The Enlightened” prefixing his name, told me to do some monos. I don’t know why but I took the barbag off and did some of the lamest wheelies in the history of one-wheeled riding! The Enlightened Anthony surely has a reason for making me do this but for now I know not what..

Bought and skulled some cheapass “high speed” sport drink from the Penny Markt, showered and then Nee and I went to nearby Palmbrauhaus for dinner. I started with a dark Altbier, then German pasta (yeah, apparently there IS such a thing??) with a side of fried potatoes. Yum! I left my salad for Nee (eew green stuff!) and washed it all down with a Weizen Radler (50% wheat beer, 50% lemonade) because I was still quite dehydrated . I also tried some of her traditional “pork knuckle” dish.

Back home and Nee packed for her trip while I burned cd’s with full of photos for both of us and played Windows Solitaire. A few months on the road and I actually enjoy playing computer Solitaire! :S

Hip rides lap of Hockenheim

I’ve seen much of Heidelberg now and decided to ride to nearby Schwetzingen which apparently has a lovely castle. After some more issues with German bike path signs (ie. a right pointing arrow with THREE right-turn options!) I arrived but really didn’t feel like paying to see Another Bloody Castle (ABC). There was a car show on in the castle grounds this weekend. This, along with the road sign pointing to Hockenheim, was enough to keep me riding to Hockenheim in the hope of seeing the race track. Yeah, nowadays I’m primarily anti-car, but I did grow up with two speedway drivers as neighbors. In fact, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a car mechanic and race speedway, just like Pete “Spider” McCarthy. I used to “help” him fix cars in his garage. I think “help” was more akin to “try not to get in his way too much”. How times have changed..

Anyway, I kept riding along some rather nice crusher-dust bike trails in the woods until I made it to Hockenheim – made obvious with the motorbike statue at the town entrance!

It was easy to find the track because there was a stream of Porsches, Ferraris, Audis and other “race” vehicles leaving town along one particular road. One of the Porsche GT3’s (on a trailer) appeared to have “met” a wall at a rather high velocity – ouch!

There were cars on the track when I arrived but the mix of vehicles seemed to indicate anyone could drive the circuit now, ie. Ferraris mixed with vans, 4wds mixed with motorbikes and Minis and all manner of family and ‘not-so-family’ vehicles all using the track at once.

I’ll come clean now – I didn’t ride around the “race circuit” but I did ride “around” the circuit. There just may have been a large perimeter fence stopping me from mixing it up with the motored vehicles.. damn it! 😛

It was going to get dark soon (I left Renee’s late afternoon) so I headed back. Without a map and without checking signs, my memory actually did a better job of keeping me on the right path!! I couldn’t believe it!

“Screw maps! Ignore signs! Use your brain every time!”

Just for some extra punishment (or was it fun?) I rode up Heidelberg’s biggest mountain – the Konigstuhl. I still can’t climb, but I reckon it would put some of the Melbourne climbs to shame – or maybe I’m just too damn fat and unfit to climb anything now?

The descent was fast and fun! I totally overshot one corner (a habit of mine that will get me killed one day) and was only slowed down at the end when cars got in my way – I passed a couple but I had no front light and didn’t want to spend too much time on the wrong side of the road in the dark. I could feel my brake pads wearing out behind the cars and was cursing the oncoming traffic that stopped me passing! Let me go freeeeeeeeeee! 🙂

My knee is still sore after rides. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly, but looking down at my right knee, most of the pain seems centred around the area on the outside of the leg, just above the calf muscle at the joint. There is a bone here and I guess some kind of tendon or something is being aggravated by twisting or the like??

Pain Central:

click image for a bigger leg

My diet plan.. "Breatharianism"

“A Breatharian is a person who is in alignment with the philosophy of Breatharianism, just as a Catholic is a person who is in alignment with Catholicism and a Mormon is a person who is in alignment with Mormonism. Whether a Breatharian eats solid food or not is a choice, not a demand. Vegetarianism is relative to eating mainly vegetables for food. Fruitarianism is relative to eating mainly fruits for food. Breatharianism is relative to the breathing of air for food. The average person breathes 110 lbs of air per day. Air contains the basic building blocks for all physical matter, namely four gases, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. Unfortunately there are many additional poisonous substances in the air that greatly diminish the proper assimilation of these gases, preventing their being used to sustain the human body sufficiently. Common sense dictates that if you can’t get enough nutrients or stimulation from the food you taking, whether it is solid, liquid of air, you might have to use an alternative source. This would be solid or liquid food for the Breatharian.”

“The world is flooded with books on food and eating. No one seems to realize that eating is not natural, but an acquired habit, like smoking and drinking, and that FRESH CLEAN AIR is the Cosmic Reservoir of all things, including the substance that builds and sustains the human body.”

from: What is it?

Breatharianism will surely improve my climbing but will it effect my sprinting ability?

Comments anyone?

3rd Sep: New Pics

New photos:

2005-08-15 Berlin

2005-08-15 Potsdam

2005-08-17 Dresden

2005-08-20 Leipzig

2005-08-24 Nuremberg

2005-08-26 Heidelberg

2005-08-27 Switzerland


2005-08-29 Freiberg

2005-08-30 Waldgeist (Killer Schnitzels!)

2005-09-02 Heidelberg


2005-09-04 Heidelberg (Fireworks)

New videos:

Trummelbache Falls

Earlier Photos:

2005-08-14 Berlin, 2005-08-14 ‘Up to Hamburg’, 2005-08-14 ‘Up to Bremen’, 2005-07-26 Groningen, 2005-07-14 Apeldoorn, 2005-07-03 Haarlem, 2005-06-21 Brugge, 2005-06-09 Tournai, 2005-05-29 London, 2005-05-28 London, 2005-05-13 London

Earlier Videos:

Hamburg ITU Triathlon World Cup, Drumming in Hamburg, Haarlem Tent Storm 1, Haarlem Tent Storm 2, Haarlem Tent Whinge 1, Apeldoorn Ride 1, Apeldoorn Ride 2, Den Haag Marching Band 1, Den Haag Marching Band 2, Den Haag Marching Band 3, Den Haag Cheerleaders 1, Den Haag Marching Band 5, Riding along on my pushbike honey.., Gent canal cruise, Tunnel bike path, Belgium somewhere