Glenvale Crit

“Where’s the race report?” you ask.

I was a good boy and didn’t go to Goat on Friday night because I was coming down with a cold and didn’t want to push my luck for racing Sunday.

Saturday morning, I had planned to ride to sprint training with my camcorder and film Cam running the session for his coaching accreditation. Discovering the BOM radar map was covered with rain patches I decided to drive, rather than sit around wet for two hours.

Rugged up, I recorded the session and went home. That’s when it all went down hill.

A rotten headache, full cold symptoms (snotty, coughing yuckiness) and nasty muscle aches to boot.

With some encouragement from Tee, I finally relented and sucked down some drugs. They helped.

Waking to the 6am Race Day alarm, I realised there was no way I was even going to leave the house on foot, let alone race! I was wrecked. Lots of neck/back pain, massive thumper of a headache, sniffin’ ‘n’ coughin’ mess.

Popping another codeine+paracetamol tablet with some OJ, I went back to bed. That lasted all of about 5 minutes, at which point, I had to rush to the toilet and spew up the contents of my stomach. Yay! Now all I have to wait for is limbs to start falling off..

The rest of Sunday I’m stuck in bed, repeating the OJ -> spew move once more.

Around 4pm I’m feeling a bit better and decide to stuff a whole bunch of hot-cross buns down my gob. Hopefully, if I eat enough, my body will be too busy digesting them to think about spewing. It works and now I just feel like shit but haven’t had to spew again..

So much for my birthday victory at Glenvale.. it’ll have wait until next week. What a fscked weekend! 🙁

Melbourne Grand Prix

Free ticket to the Thursday session..

Fast cars, nice cars, loud cars, tricky bikes, tricky Roulettes, hot women (literally – the weather was very nice!), waay overpriced food and drink ($3.90 for 600ml water WTF?!?) and a day spent outside rather than in the office. Not a bad day for the price of a train ticket.

Glenvale Crit

Sunday 27th Feb, Glenvale Crescent:

Feeling crap before the start again.. Get rolling and initially I’m doing it easy and holding a good position.

With the construction equipment messing with turn one there’s some cornering issues. Following the lead of the guy in front of me, I lock up to avoid him.

Then I drop off the back of the field trying to work out if my tyre is about to explode – It did feel weird, really!

Get back on to find the pace has risen substantially (driven by Gordon Minty and co.). I’ve lost my nerve a bit and struggle to get back in where I need to be.

I waste energy with poorly thought out moves that don’t help me move up much at all. I’m not liking this.

At 43min 3-to-go is up. WTF?! There should be another 7min before that! I panic a bit because I’m too far back to do well in the sprint. In my haste to get to the front I waste lots of juice.

I do actually make it to 3rd wheel, which in hindsight wasn’t a bad effort, but with half a lap to go the two riders in front of me peel off leaving me setup as leadout for the field.

“Stuff this!” I pull over and give up. Someone behind sooks because he’s lost his leadout sucker, but as if I give a shit, I’m not racing for some schmuck when I’m toast. I’m not at all happy with this week’s race – I messed it up and it ruined my chance of a win double. I’m still beating myself up over my crap racing today..

Not to self: Get over it loser and frickin’ win it next week! BEEFCAKE BEEFCAKE!

Sometimes I just don't know..

Sometimes I just don’t know.. why I bother. It doesn’t matter how much people are encouraged to cycle rather than drive they just don’t listen. Even if 50% of the drivers suddenly switched to using bikes, it would be the smart 50% and we’d still have a load of morons left driving around.

Morons like the arse-clown that tried to push me into the gutter tonight. Captain Ignorant changes lanes into me without indicating.

What was it they drilled into me during driving lessons before getting my license?

That’s right – do your head checks!

Mr. Arse-clown, turn you stupid goit head and open your stupid goit eyes, after using your indicator to signal your intention to move across. Don’t just fricking drive into me you stupid *&%$!

I caught this tin can operating reject at the lights and gave him a serve (no contact to me, just a fright and loss of rubber, poor ProRace) and he reacted like I was crazy (which is somewhat true) – he didn’t appear to know what the hell was going on. I wanted him to get angry, so I could rip out his %$#*@^#@ eyeballs and give them to his passenger as a birthday gift, but he didn’t. He got the message about looking and indicating though. So did the twenty or so other people within earshot of my yelling.

This whole episode just made me angry and depressed.. kinda like normal.. just more angry and depressed..

People with a gun license don’t wave their firearms around at other shooters, why the hell do drivers point their cars at me?